GT Club Meeting

February 9, 2017 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Power Kart Raceway
125 Canberra Ave
Fyshwick ACT 2609

Falcon Gt Club of Canberra Meeting.

These meetings are held every second Thursday of each month.
The best way of staying in touch and having a say in what happens with your club.
Catch up with the members, discuss events, cars, club runs and many other topics related and sometimes not related to the FALCON GT and our club. 
 We meet at Power Kart Raceway 125 Canberra Ave, Fyshwick ACT 2609
630Pm for a 7Pm start.

There is usually no meeting in Jan or Dec of each year and we sometimes hold the July meeting as a Dinner instead.
If the weather is fine and we finish early enough, we even get to go for a cruise and a coffee, where ? usually decided on the night. 

See you there.